School Events
Well school started October first and the children and the teachers love their newly remodeled and improved school. It has been so wonderful to be apart of this whole transition. Everyday I go to the school and do what I can to help them get the school running the way a real school should be run. Sometimes it is some of the most simple ideas that are foreign to them. But it seems as though they are eager to learn and things are moving forward. It is just a lot of work. I sure could use someone at the school full time if anyone is interested in a leader position at a French speaking 3rd world country school, please let me know.
This year I have not come right out and asked for help with tuition for the children but I have still had a few donations for it anyways. I want to thank those of you who have been dedicated to the children in this way. It really has been a blessing for the kids that would otherwise not be able to have this christian education. I did several interviews to be sure the right children are being helped. But one of the reasons I didn't ask is because this year I have other ideas that I am going to need help with. I am trying to fund raise now for building one more building for the school. I want to do a building like the one that we have already for the children in the grades 7-10th grade. I have a hope and dream to complete the school and all I need right now is a building with 5 classrooms.
When I was in the states on furlough I talked with the Architecture department of missions at Andrews University. They were able to come up with all the numbers of how much this project is going to cost. I gave them all of the costs for each of the items in Chad and they did all the figuring. They came up with $66,000.00. I know that this sounds like a whole lot of money and it is. But what I would like to do this year is raise some money to be able to at least get the building up and then finish only one room so that the 10th graders can move up to the next class next school year. It is the cement that cost so much here. It is about $25 a sack of cement. But I thought that if I could just do the cement in one room on the walls and the floor that this will bring the immediate cost down. Then we can complete a classroom each year to continue moving these kids up a class. I have been doing a lot of ground work for this already and we have sent Valery, the vice principal, to Cameroon to study and get his license to open up these next classes. God has helped me raise $10,000.00 specifically for the building already but need at least another $25,000.00 before I will break ground. This is where all of you come in. I know that this just seems like an incredibly huge dream but after being here for three years I have seen God work and I now know for sure, from experience, that with God all things ARE possible. If it is His will it will all happen but we each have to do our part starting with me just asking for help. I know that every $25 will make a difference.
Please help me raise this money. I can't do this alone. The reason this is so important to me is because after tenth grade these kids have no other option but to go to public school around here. And the public schools here are terrible. I would never consider allowing my child to ever go to one. The teachers come drunk all the time and encourage the kids to drink with them. Then several days the teachers are not even in the class to teach. It is such a vulnerable age and I think if we can keep them in the christian school there is a better hope for their future. If the kids even wanted to continue with an Adventist school they would have to move away from their families and most of them would not be able to afford that. Or even if they could there is not always the possibility of knowing someone in that area for them to stay with.
I truly believe in the christian education system. I believe that the only way of changing the mentality of the people here is through the children and the next generation. Please help me do this. Please consider being apart of the project. Get your schools or churches involved to help. Let this be apart of your end of the year, last chance to give a donation project. This is a real need for these kids and for the future of this place. I need to start soon if I am going to be able to get even one room finished before next year. Thank you for everything you have helped me accomplish so far it has been amazing to be apart of this.
God bless you all as you pray and consider supporting our addition at the Bere Adventist School.
Thank you so much,
Tammy Parker
All donations can be sent to:
Harrison SDA Church
P.O. Box 969
Harrison, TN 37341
Earmark: Bere Chad project
And send a small note inside the envelope stating that your check is for the "Addition of the Bere Adventist School"
Sent from my I-phone
Jamie Parker
Director of Maintenance
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Chad, Africa
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